The "Loach" at the beginning of this movie, #67-16628 was shot down near FSB Ripcord on August 1, 1970 -- a few months after this footage was filmed. The pilot CW2 Anton J. Schoepke and observer SP5 John A. Hooper were both killed in the crash.
You'll see panoramic shots of the A/377 compound at Camp Eagle, close-up shots of guys preparing to take off in OH-6A #67-16628, a panoramic view from a hill-top base, possibly FSB Ripcord, shots inside a helicopter in flight, South Vietnamese troops crossing a dyke and a cache of enemy weapons on display in the grass. There's footage from inside a Loach with a Vietnamese pilot at the controls, views from the air of other helicopters and explosions on the ground, a Huey bringing in a slingload, tanks maneuvering, a Loach practicing take-offs and landing, and footage flying over a city. The first 27 minutes of the movie was filmed in Vietnam.
The remainder of the footage (13 min) was filmed on R&R in Thailand (Bangkok) with panoramic shots of the city, gold-gilt rooftops on temples, Thai dancers, an elephant show, water skiing, scuba diving and more.
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Click Below to watch some clips from "A/377th ARTY" -- Please note that because of the transfer process this You Tube video is of a lesser quality than the actual DVD.
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