The six films are:
"CAMP ROBERTS, CALIFORNIA" - (b&w) Basic Training hi-jinx at the Field Artillery Replacement Training Center, near Paso Robles, CA. Includes men clowning around, putting on a "basic training" show for the camera, and some visits by Hollywood stars and Kay Kyser's band. I think I recognized Lucille Ball, Ingrid Bergman, Ginny Simms, and Georgia Carroll, among others.
"OKINAWA CAMP LIFE" - (b&w, faded footage) down-time at camp, including a soldier giving another a haircut, a man taking a quick sponge-bath in the middle of camp, men setting up tents, planes flying overhead and landing at a distant airstrip, a soldier washing his clothes in a barrel over a fire, and more.
"CAPTURED JAPANESE SUB TOURING FOR WAR BONDS" - (b&w) shots of the submarine on display in a city and the crowds coming to check it out.
"WARTIME PARIS & ROME" - (b&w) men waiting for an incoming train, and footage of the passing scenery from the train. View of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, driving on the city streets past monuments and buildings, including -- Nazi "SS" on a sign that reads "Crimes Hitlerian" (probably a museum exhibit), a huge British flag outside a building, and the Champs Elysees. Then the footage changes to the view from inside an airplane while flying, then to the inside of a huge depot, with a lot of rubble from the destroyed dome roof. There are shots of soldiers and their girlfriends sightseeing, ancient ruins -- maybe an old aquaduct, and more. There's some great footage filmed while flying alongside a B-25 Mitchell bomber, passing over cities in rubble, and then more sightseeing in Rome.
"DUTCH EAST INDIES" - (b&w, faded color) shots of men sleeping on floor in plane, man cooking on hotplate, pilots up front at controls. Building in small town -- sign reads "KLM... Menado", pony carts on the street, American compound with US flag in front of Quonset shaped buildings, military ambulance and trucks passing by. Group of civilians and American man with camera watching the ox carts and traffic go by. Shots of an airplane at an airstrip, and footage filmed from a plane, flying over palm forests, mountains and populated areas. Back on the ground, shots of a look-out tower with "Billiton" sign -- probably on Billiton (Belitung) Island, Indonesia. Then back to the air, flying along the coastline, with shots of a man inside the plane looking out an open hatch. Concludes with more stops, including "Sepinggan -- Base Operations" (sign), and more flying.
"HICKAM FIELD, HAWAII -- 1947" - (color) footage filmed at Hickam Field, HQ of the 7th Air Force (AAFPAC), Air Transport Command Pacific Div, Hawaiian Air Material Area, and Home of the 31st Weather Squadron (from sign). Shots of sign and main entrance and some base buildings. Air Transport Command plane on the flightline. Footage filmed on "Air Force Day" with families and tourists wandering around, getting to go inside planes. Shots of a sign "Headquarters 1521 AAF Base Unit" and a huge map mural on a wall showing the Pacific Division Air Transport Command area of operations. Helicopter flight demonstration, planes flying, and a huge plume of black smoke with fire engines racing to it, while a crowd gathers to watch.
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Click Below to watch some clips from "WWII Digest" -- Please note that because of the transfer process this You Tube video is of a lesser quality than the actual DVD.
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