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366th Infantry Regiment Home Movies

Rare color and b&w home movie footage of the famed African American 366th Inf. Reg't. training at Fort Devens, Mass., filmed by Maj. Homer R. Lewis in 1943-1944, just prior to their deployment overseas.

You'll see winter scenes of officers and soldiers by their living quarters; soldiers learning to march -- amusing early lessons in the yard by their barracks, and eventually marching with pride on the parade grounds. There's footage of formations of soldiers and a military band marching down the road while officers observe, and a distant view of a military funeral with a flag-draped coffin, a hearse, and a 21-gun salute. There's footage of an officer and several women coming out of the Officer's Club building, and some faded shots of African American WACs arriving by truck.
At the end of the movie you'll see footage filmed onboard a ship at sea: black and white troops crowding the decks, a military band playing, a man dressed up like a woman (Equator crossing antics?), and men rowing around in a lifeboat. This latter footage may be post-WWII home movies filmed by Maj. Lewis on his way to Japan.
Other scenes include: marching & more marching (Normal daily life in the Infantry!)

The DVD has a soundtrack of WWII era music and radio shows.

Running Time: 33 minutes

PRICE: $24.00

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Click below to watch some clips from "Buffalo Soldiers" -- Please note that this YouTube video is silent, and because of the transfer process is of a lower quality than the actual DVD.

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